Company History

Ludwig Enterprises, Inc and its subsidiary, Precision Genomics, Inc began with an idea that our founder Marvin S. Hausman, MD had in 2015.  Dr. Hausman, understanding that DNA needs Messenger RNA (mRNA) to ‘communicate’ with cells to create proteins, theorized that the presence of mRNA biomarkers such as cytokines and chemokines could possibly reveal the presence of chronic inflammation.

Based on his theory, Dr. Hausman approached the scientists at Thermo Fisher and they worked together to determine which inflammatory biomarkers Thermo Fisher’s technology could sequence.  The result, a proprietary panel of 48 genes and the mRNA Inflammatory Index™ was born (and a patent filed).

The ability to potentially diagnose chronic inflammation in its earliest stages now gives physicians the opportunity to interrupt that process through behavioral changes, precision pharmacological interventions as well as nutritional supplementation and as a result, possibly prevent chronic illnesses from developing.

Dr. Hausman introduced his concept to a group of investors leading to the creation of Ludwig Enterprises subsidiary Precision Genomics to launch his concept.

Dr. Hausman’s vision is to have a significant positive impact on the health of people worldwide by eradicating chronic inflammation, which according to the world health organization is the causative agent of illnesses such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease and cancers.  These illnesses cause 50% of the world’s death.

mRNA Inflammatory Index

We are developing ground-breaking technology that reveals the potential of mRNA to change the face of healthcare.


The world’s most convenient cancer screen is about to hit the market. A simple mail-order cheek swab can help save lives.